Professor Amy Lorek presenting in front of a group of individuals with a PowerPoint behind her
Amy Lorek
Professor Amy Lorek presenting in front of a group of individuals with a PowerPoint behind her

Connecting Generations – A multigenerational approach to learning

Through this project, Amy Lorek developed resources and an Instructor Guide to assist faculty in designing classroom experiences and course assignments that include and leverage older adult expertise to enhance student learning. This guide was developed from the experiences Amy and her colleagues have had and lessons learned from course instruction that included older adults in the
classroom and course assignments.

Image of Gregory Pierce
Gregory Pierce
Image of Gregory Pierce

Strategic Business Plan: A Tool for Student Engagement and Entrepreneurial Success in the Community

Through this fellowship, Gregory Pierce was able to expand an already successful venture into the local community through which his students provided strategic business plans for local businesses.  A key addition to the project afforded by the fellowship was the ability to go back and review previous clients to see their successes since obtaining the business plan.

Image of Katherine McLean
Katherine McLean
Image of Katherine McLean

Crime on Campus Study: A Multi-Campus Project Using Inquiry-Guided Learning

In this study, Katherine McLean aimed to further evaluate the effectiveness of inquiry-guided learning strategies (here, the “Crime on Campus” project(s) as required assignments in CRIMJ 100) toward the promotion of student engagement (operationalized as class performance, self-reported confidence, and self-reported motivation) Additionally, the project promoted undergraduate student engagement and interest in research at an introductory level and faculty research and instructional collaboration across campuses.

Headshot of Marly Doty
Marly Doty
Headshot of Marly Doty

Leveling Up–For First Year Students

Through her fellowship, Marly Doty created a model targeted toward first year students to gather information that would inform their journey when they take FYS/FYE course. To accomplish this, Doty created a 3 tier system of student engagement: introductory, exploratory, and immersive. In the model, Doty identified which types of activities are at each level and an assessment tool to be used in measuring skills attained by participating in each level. This resulted in a badge type system where after the semester ends, a first year student earns a badge for being an introductory, exploratory, or immersed engaged student. T

Headshot of Melina Czymoniewicz-Klippel
Melina Czymoniewicz-Klippel
Headshot of Melina Czymoniewicz-Klippel

Students as Teaching Partners: The Global Health Virtual Tours

This project focused on bridging residential and online teaching, and integrating affordable and accessible virtual immersive experiences into Penn State World Campus, through application of a “students as teaching partners” model. More specifically, it  engaged a team of Penn State undergraduate students as collaborators in the development of a 360° image repository and subsequent 360° image virtual tours, for incorporation into global health and potentially other Penn State course offerings.